Stoic Men's Fitness

30-Day Challenge

The Stoic Men’s Fitness Lean and Fit Challenge begins the 1st of every month. The Challenges are ideal for people whose time is limited because the workouts are short, and not tethered to somebody else’s schedule. Many participants from past Challenges have attained lasting changes by decreasing bodyfat and number of pounds lost while gaining strength and increasing lean body mass. Building mental toughness, improving self-discipline, and better eating habits are very common benefits from participating.

The Program

This program includes individualized training with weekly video calls, dozens of workout programs and exercise videos, your own customized app, daily accountability reminders, etc. The workouts are designed with your goals in mind and based on your strengths and any limitations you may have.

The 30, 60, and 90-Day Challenges are one-of-a-kind programs. Participants have been successful because the Challenge holds you accountable. The workouts don’t require any equipment or a gym membership. However, you can use equipment, or go to the gym if you wish. You can perform workouts at home, outside, in a park, etc.

This unique system instills motivation, persistence, and accountability. This is particularly helpful for those who have limited access to a facility, or a lack of desire to exercise in general. The advantage of using the Stoic Men’s Fitness format, is you’re able to exercise with your exclusive program on your time and not on a class or gym’s schedule.

Push Yourself

Doing something physically demanding on a regular basis will not only build your body but also your mind. While being strong physically is important, being tough mentally is even more so. There may be times you don’t want to exercise, do chores, work, study, etc. Doing those things, especially if you dislike them, builds self-confidence and mental fortitude. This newly found mental strength will bleed over to other parts of your life.

Each day strive to push a little harder than the day before. Remember to stay focused on your nutrition and hydration. Don’t forget to rest! Keep in mind your body recovers, and your muscles grow while you sleep. So, getting adequate rest is critical in keeping those gains you’ve worked so hard to achieve.

Anything Worthwhile Is Never Easy!

Anything worthwhile is rarely easy, and working hard to achieve your goals makes it even more rewarding. Welcome the confidence you have from being fit, strong, and energetic. Don’t be surprised if your family and friends notice your transformation.

Those of you who have participated in the program, don’t stop exercising! You’ve made tremendous strides! Don’t lose your momentum and keep those hard-earned gains to stay in the best shape of your life!

Always Stay Hydrated

Dehydration can be serious, so it’s critical you drink a minimum 1/2 your bodyweight (lbs) plus 32 oz. Ex. 180 lbs x .50 = 90 oz + 32 oz = 122 oz of water. Don’t make this harder than necessary by not drinking enough water.

Join me on this exciting trek as fitness as we know it, has changed and become more interactive. This can increase your chances for success so you can hit your important goals. Take the first step and text STOIC to 41259 or click

FAQ Stoic Men’s Fitness Challenges

How does the program work? Once you text STOIC to 41259 or go to: you will be asked to complete a questionnaire and confirm to receive texts. This helps determine which exercise routines are best suited for you and your goals. Once the questionnaire is received, we will have a video call to discuss your goals in more detail, and any limitations you may have based on past injuries, health challenges, etc. A program will then be created based on those findings. The video call usually takes 20-30 minutes.

You will receive daily texts for motivation, reminders, encouragement, etc. Please save “Stoic Men’s Fitness” to 41259 so you know who the text is from. Then, download the Trainerize app for your Android or Apple phone. Once you’ve completed your account setup, you will be able to access your workout. There is also an option to setup your wearable device if you wish to track your progress. There is a short 10-second instruction video for each exercise. The programs will state how long each workout will take to complete.

You don’t need any equipment for the program. However, you’re free to use weights, bands, fitness or balance balls, etc., if you prefer. There are hundreds of videos available, so it shouldn’t be an issue. We will have one video call a week to ensure you’re on track with your goals and answer any questions.

This is not a membership and there is no obligation to continue. However, many people participate monthly because once they start seeing results and know they’re being held accountable daily, it becomes a welcomed new habit.

How much does the program cost? The 30-Day Challenge price is $60. The 60-Day Challenge is $110, and the 90-Day Challenge is $150.

How long will it take me to see results? It depends on what condition you’re starting with and how committed you are. The number of weekly workouts, nutrition, hydration, and sleep schedule will have a great effect on your success. Many people begin seeing results after a few weeks.

How often should I workout? Like anything else, you get the best results the more effort and time you’re able to commit. However, I don’t suggest going all out and attacking the exercises every day. You could overtrain or create a new injury or aggravate an old one. The most effective results are usually with three (minimum) to five (maximum) times a week.

When should I workout? That’s the beauty of this program. You can workout whenever or wherever is convenient for you. So, you’re not dictated to a time which doesn’t work with your schedule. Please note-it’s not advisable to exercise less than three hours before bedtime. An elevated heart rate may keep you awake.

Why should I choose your program over the gym? The gym can be an intimidating place, especially if you haven’t been in a while. Being in the privacy of your home (or wherever you feel comfortable exercising) removes that fear. Also, there is no wasted time with driving/traffic, changing into your workout clothes, dealing with a crowded gym or classes, cleanliness of the facilities, wait times for machines or dumbbells, room to stretch, etc. In addition, when you’re under a contract with a gym, you pay every month regardless of whether you workout or not. I design exercise programs which are tailored for you. They rarely take longer than 30 minutes. Traffic alone could be longer when going to the gym. Plus, you’re not tethered to a class start time, have to deal with childcare, safety from other members, etc.

What about medications? Get your doctor’s approval before starting any exercise program. Also, keep in mind the medication you’re prescribed, and the condition(s) being treated when exercising.

What forms of payment do you accept? PayPal, or cash. PayPal has been the most efficient.

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